CIS 8020 Assignment 2 SS Google Visualization

A consulting company is using census data provided by an epidemiologist to analyze the population trend of Atlanta Metropolitan area for the last 9 years and decide if it makes business sense for extension of Health Care infrastructure.

The same data is best understood if represented in a graphic form which has been demonstrated in my website using Column Chart from Google Visualization API. Refer to the visualization shown below.

Population Trend - Atlanta Metropolitan Area : 2000-2008

In this case, the source data for the presentation has been hosted and published in Google Docs (extracted from original census data).

We have also used tooltip to zoom on a particular column to get the actual value for a County.

Additionally, we can use the same API for representing similar data in various graphic forms for example Pie Chart, Line Chart, Tables, Motion Chart, Area Chart, Bar Chart etc.

A similar model can be used for visualization of data from Sales, Revenue, and Inventory etc.

Since any Excel file can be used as source data, the visual representation is automatically updated without any change in code just by republishing the changed data and hence can be used for tracking any dynamic data.

The API is easy to use and is highly parameterized. Hence the type of chart, size, font, color etc. can be modified quickly as required.


Michael Morgan said...

Sumantra, this is an excellent implementation of an API. It's very detailed and you obviously put a lot of work into it. I love how you used Google Docs for the source data, and then showed it into an API.

I tried to show a Google Spreadsheet doc directly into my API but was unsuccessful in doing so. Did that thought cross your mind too? Great post as expected, Sumantra.

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